There is nothing more bugging than a bug. 🐛 Here’s a list of all possible issues you may come across on and their troubleshooting.
I made a change in the settings, but it won’t save
If you are experiencing issues with saving your changes in the settings, please follow these steps to resolve them.
Refresh the page
Refreshing the page may help resolve your issue in most cases. Try refreshing the page by tapping on the Refresh button in your browser. 🔄
Quit and reopen your browser
Additionally, try to restart your browser application by force closing and opening again:
On iPhone: Open the App Switcher, swipe right to find the browser, then swipe up on the browser. Tap on the app to open the browser again.
On Android: Swipe up from the bottom, hold, then let go. Swipe up on the app. Tap on the app to open the browser again.
On desktop: Click on the red cross button in the top-right (Windows), or top-left (OSx) corner of the screen. Start the browser again the usual way.
Hope that helped! Are you still experiencing issues related to your settings?
Please let us know through our Contact form or at, and we will help!