Account settings

Setting everything right can sometimes be overwhelming. We’re here to help you get through it with ease. 💆🏻

How do I change my profile picture?

Ready? Say cheeese! 📸
We couldn’t wait any longer and chose your Profile picture for you. Wait, you don’t like it? 🤓
No probs; changing your profile pic is easy peasy.

On mobile:

  1. Tap on your current profile picture at the bottom-right corner 👤
  2. Tap Edit profile 
  3. Tap Change photo and upload your new profile picture from your library 🤳🏼
  4. Looking good! This one is the one! 🤩

On desktop: 

  1. Click on your current profile picture in the upper-right corner 👤
  2. Click Edit profile 
  3. Click Change photo and upload your new profile picture from your local library 🤳🏼
  4. Love the smile! 🤩